I think I can speak for nearly every writer

I think I can speak for nearly every writer out there when I tell you that your frustration is completely normal. Every writer (even the super successful ones) has accumulated tons of rejection letters before finally getting a yes. There’s an infamous saying in the writing community: “You’ll get 100 rejections for every yes.” Here are some steps you can take to get your book successfully published:

Don’t Give Up
As I touched on earlier, you should never give up if you really believe in your piece. Please don’t get discouraged by the rejection, as it’s a normal part of getting a piece published.

Find the Right Agent
While you could get published without an agent, 99 authors out of 100 sign with agents to help them get published. Agents have relationships with publishers, so it’s best that you find an agent that believes in your work as much as you do. Here’s the kicker: you might not have found the right agent because you’re not looking in the right places.

You have a much higher likelihood of getting an agent who is actively getting books within your genre published....
I wrote a horror-mystery novel that I’m genuinely proud of....

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