Shortness of Breath During Pregnancy: Causes and Solutions

One of the most common symptoms of pregnancy is shortness of breath (SOB). About 60% to 70% of healthy women suffer from SOB, which is considered a normal side effect of pregnancy. However, when SOB borders on being uncomfortable, there are steps that you should take, depending on the severity of your case. In order to have a better understanding of SOB, you must learn everything there is to know about it, starting from the causes, warning signs, and ending with coping methods. In this article, you’ll find everything you need to know about SOB....
Being scheduled for induction can be both nerve-wracking and exciting at the same time. While it gives you advance notice about your specific due date, unlike suddenly going into labor, it also gives you a lot of time to overthink and prepare. Moreover, induced labor is usually linked to the presence of certain medical conditions or other possible complications that do little to calm pregnant women who are scheduled for induction. Amid all these worries, one question seems to haunt the minds of all women going through such an ordeal: what can I eat before induction? Let’s get into more detail about what you can or can’t eat. ...

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