Hi everyone, I could really use some advice regarding how I should go about losing weight. Here’s a little background:
I was always one of the heavier kids growing up in school, but so were my two brothers and sister. My mom has always been overweight herself. My dad is considered to be pretty average weight, but of course, all of us kids got my mom’s genes in this department. Most of my mom’s family is relatively overweight.
My weight didn’t bother me as much when I was a kid, but I became very self-conscious around middle and high school. I hated standing next to my friends in pictures, going shopping, or going to the pool during the summer. That’s when my weight began to feel like a burden. For reference, I was around 205 pounds at 5’7 at that time.
I’m now 22 and 225 pounds. I’ve always eaten relatively healthy. I go to the gym three times a week. A typical day of eating for me looks like an omelette for breakfast, a grilled chicken sandwich for lunch, and salmon with brown rice for dinner. I swear I just can’t lose weight no matter how hard I try. I feel like I’m doing everything right, but my genetics are just getting in the way. If I had different genetics, I probably would have lost weight years ago because of my healthy diet and gym routine.
I’m just frustrated and don’t know what to do. I’m on antidepressants — which may have something to do with my struggle to lose weight. But, I’ve never been able to lose it. If anything, I keep gaining it. It doesn’t matter what I do.
I just need some advice — something’s gotta give. I’m considering bariatric surgery and leaning towards gastric sleeve surgery. I’m wondering if anyone else has been through this experience, or knows of someone who has? My brothers and sister aren’t bothered by their weight, so I can’t really turn to them about this. I want someone I can relate to. Any advice or insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.